38/39 Old Bakery Street, Valletta VLT1454 - Malta EU
tel: +356 21225647 mob: +356 99421164 web: www.jco.com.mt
Parking & Transport Facilities Information
1. CONTENTS. click links to go to specific topics PUBLIC VALLETTA CIRCULAR SERVICE PARKING INSIDE VALLETTA __________________________________________________
2. PUBLIC VALLETTA CIRCULAR SERVICE Route 133 - Valletta Circular. Link for -> Route 133 map. Link for -> Route 133 information. __________________________________________________ 3. PARKING INSIDE VALLETTA Entry into Valletta with your car is CVA (Controlled Vehicular Access) monitored. CVA Valletta tariffs are as following. Monday to Friday 08:00 to 18:00 inclusive. No fees apply for entries into Valletta after 14:00. Example 1 - Entry 11:00 and exit 17:00 - Charged for 6 hours. Example 2 - Entry 14:10 and exit 07:00 next morning - Free. Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays are free all day.
Parking in White spaces is allowed for all drivers all day long. Parking in Blue spaces is allowed for all drivers only between 07:00 and 19:00 only. Parking in Green spaces is reserved for Valletta Resident drivers only. Back to Contents List __________________________________________________